Monday, July 11, 2011

Summer takes hold

Finally, the constant rains that dominated most of May and June... with an occasional nice day thrown in just to get our hopes up... have moved North, allowing heat to build in New England.

The new batch of chickens are happy to have left the ark and walk on the dry land of Mt. Monadnock. Do you remember the smell of the inside of the school bus on rainy mornings? Well, add 75 chickens, who treat the world like their own personal toilet bowl, and maybe you can imagine what things were like around here... and I won't even mention the pigs!

Rain or not, the garden went in on Memorial Day weekend... and is really started to take off now. If we can avoid the late blight of a few years ago, we're in for a great season.

More fruit trees were planted this spring, Northern Spy Apples to be exact. The peaches, plums and pears are starting to mature, giving us larger crops every summer.

Garlic should be ready for harvest in a few days... now THAT should change the smell of things

around here!